星期五, 1月 25, 2008


昨日才聽聞Robinson Cano經紀人Bobby Barad表達要爭取複數年合約的消息,甚至說和洋基之間還沒開始討論,沒想到今天就從不願表明身份的來源傳出,包括FoxSports的Ken RosenthalSI的Jon Heyman都揭露,雙方即將簽下四年3000萬合約的消息,甚至提到此合約還包括2012、21013兩年選擇權。

只 要合約正式敲定,將代表一向不願意與年輕球員的洋基政策大轉彎,也代表生涯打擊率.314、48支全壘打、237分打點,2006年入選明星賽、2006 年二壘手銀棒獎得主、2005年新人王第二名的Cano,在原本2012年前成為自由球員之前,都不需要與洋基進行薪資仲裁。

這和去年筆者所寫的洋基下一步 王建民複數年約?有異曲同工之妙,其主要原因在於,儘管洋基的幾位大將,包括Derek Jeter、Mariano Rivera、Andy Pettitte在具備薪資仲裁,甚至到成為自由球員前,都沒簽下複數年合約,但那畢竟是八年前的事情,時空變化完全不能相提並論,而眾所周知,這幾年來真正走上仲裁庭的例子越來越少,勞資雙方並不希望對簿公堂,因此常常會提前達成協議。

事實上,只要是年輕有潛力的好手,球團並不會吝於花錢綁人,像聖路易紅雀的一壘手Albert Pujols(七年1億)、費城費城人的二壘手Chase Utley (七年8500萬)、紐約大都會的游擊手Jose Reyes (四年2325萬)、三壘手David Wright (六年5500萬)、密爾瓦基釀酒人外野手Bill Hall(四年2400萬)、辛辛那提紅人投手Aaron Harang(四年3650萬)到紅雀捕手Yadier Molina (四年1550萬)等等數不清的例子,都與球團同意四年以上的長約。

這股趨勢不只發生在具備薪資仲裁資歷的球員身上,連兩年資歷的優秀球員一樣都被,如克里夫蘭印地安人的Grady Sizemore (六年2345萬) 、科羅拉多落磯的游擊手Troy Tulowitzki(六年3100萬)、坦帕灣魔鬼魚的投手James Shields(四年1125萬,外加三年選擇權,最多七年4400萬),換句話說,只要球團和選手都願意,提早簽長約再也不讓人陌生。



星期二, 1月 22, 2008

Salary arbitration exchange figures


Erik Bedard $3,425,000/8,000,000/6,000,000
Daniel Cabrera 1,950,000/3,300,000/2,600,000
Kyle Snyder 535,000/1,025,000/725,000
Kevin Youkilis 424,500/3,700,000/2,525,000
Rafael Betancourt 860,000/2,500,000/1,750,000
Casey Blake 3,750,000/6,900,000/5,400,000
Kansas City
Esteban German 423,000/1,200,000/837,500
Zack Greinke 407,000/1,800,000/1,150,000
Mark Teahen 416,000/2,900,000/1,900,000
Los Angeles
Francisco Rodriguez 7,100,000/12,500,000/10,000,000
Michael Cuddyer 3,575,000/6,200,000/4,700,000
Matthew Guerrier 407,500/1,150,000/750,000
New York
Brian Bruney 395,545/845,000/640,000
Robinson Cano 490,800/4,550,000/3,200,000
Chien-Ming Wang 489,500/4,600,000/4,000,000
Chad Gaudin 400,000/2,050,000/1,500,000
Alex Rios 2,535,000/5,650,000/4,535,000


Rafael Soriano 1,300,000/3,400,000/2,400,000
Michael Wuertz 415,000/975,000/750,000
Matt Belisle 390,000/1,650,000/1,000,000
Brandon Phillips 407,500/4,200,000/2,700,000
Garrett Atkins 400,000/4,650,000/4,125,000
Brian Fuentes 3,525,000/6,500,000/5,050,000
Brad Hawpe 403,000/4,350,000/3,575,000
Dave Borkowski 600,000/1,100,000/750,000
Geoff Geary 837,500/1,250,000/950,000
Mark Loretta 3,500,000/4,900,000/2,750,000
Jose Valverde 2,000,000/6,200,000/4,700,000
Los Angeles
Joe Beimel 912,500/2,150,000/1,700,000
Scott Proctor 445,923/1,300,000/930,000
Dave Bush 450,000/3,000,000/2,250,000
J.J. Hardy 400,000/3,050,000/2,400,000
New York
Endy Chavez 1,725,000/2,075,000/1,725,000
Ryan Church 395,000/2,450,000/1,750,000
Pedro Feliciano 602,000/1,200,000/880,000
Oliver Perez 2,425,000/6,500,000/4,725,000
Jorge Sosa 1,250,000/2,750,000/1,700,000
Eric Bruntlett 550,000/800,000/550,000
Ryan Howard 900,000/10,000,000/7,000,000
Freddy Sanchez 2,760,000/4,900,000/4,100,000
St. Louis
Yadier Molina 525,000/2,750,000/1,850,000
Todd Wellemeyer 635,000/1,325,000/875,000
San Diego
Josh Bard 1,050,000/2,500,000/1,850,000
Khalil Greene 2,400,000/4,900,000/4,000,000
San Francisco
Vinnie Chulk 396,000/975,000/725,000
Kevin Correia 400,000/1,300,000/850,000
Felipe Lopez 3,900,000/5,200,000/4,900,000
Jon Rauch 455,000/1,400,000/1,100,000

星期四, 1月 17, 2008

2008 Salary Arbitration List


The 110 players who filed for salary arbitration Tuesday (x-free agent who accepted arbitration; y-agreed to terms after filing). Players and teams will exchange proposed salaries on 1/18:


BALTIMORE (2) -- Erik Bedard, lhp; Daniel Cabrera, rhp.

BOSTON (3) -- Javier Lopez, lhp; Kyle Snyder, rhp; Kevin Youkilis, 1b.

CHICAGO (1) -- Joe Crede, 3b.

CLEVELAND (2) -- Rafael Betancourt, rhp; Casey Blake, 3b.

DETROIT (4) -- Miguel Cabrera, 3b; y-Nate Robertson, lhp; Bobby Seay, lhp; Marcus Thames, lf.

KANSAS CITY (7) -- John Buck, c; Jorge De La Rosa, lhp; Esteban German, 2b; Ross Gload, 1b; Jimmy Gobble, lhp; Zack Greinke, rhp; Mark Teahen, rf.

LOS ANGELES (4) -- Maicer Izturis, 3b; Casey Kotchman, 1b; Juan Rivera, rf; Francisco Rodriguez, rhp.

MINNESOTA (5) -- Michael Cuddyer, rf; Matthew Guerrier, rhp; Jason Kubel, lf; Justin Morneau, 1b; Juan Rincon, rhp.

NEW YORK (4) -- Wilson Betemit, 3b; Brian Bruney, rhp; Robinson Cano, 2b; Chien-Ming Wang, rhp.

OAKLAND (3) -- Joe Blanton, rhp; Chad Gaudin, rhp; Huston Street, rhp.

SEATTLE (2) -- Horacio Ramirez, lhp; y-George Sherrill, lhp.

TAMPA BAY (3) -- Jonny Gomes, dh; Scott Kazmir, lhp; Carlos Pena, 1b.

TEXAS (2) -- y-Marlon Byrd, of; Gerald Laird, c.

TORONTO (6) -- Gustavo Chacin, lhp; Scott Downs, lhp; Jason Frasor, rhp; Alexis Rios, rf; Marco Scutaro, 2b; Brian Tallet, lhp.


ARIZONA (6) -- Chris Burke, 2b; Juan Cruz, rhp; Orlando Hudson, 2b; Brandon Lyon, rhp; Chad Qualls, rhp; Chris Snyder, c.

ATLANTA (6) -- Matt Diaz, lf; Mike Gonzalez, lhp; Omar Infante, 2b; Rafael Soriano, rhp; Mark Teixeira, 1b; Tyler Yates, rhp.

CHICAGO (1) -- Michael Wuertz, rhp.

CINCINNATI (2) -- Matt Belisle, rhp; Brandon Phillips, 2b.

COLORADO (5) -- Garrett Atkins, 3b; Brian Fuentes, lhp; Brad Hawpe, rf; Matt Holliday, lf; Willy Taveras, cf.

FLORIDA (4) -- Alfredo Amezaga, cf; Kevin Gregg, rhp; Sergio Mitre, rhp; Matt Treanor, c.

HOUSTON (5) -- Dave Borkowski, rhp; Geoff Geary, rhp; x-Mark Loretta, inf; Jose Valverde, rhp; Ty Wigginton, 3b.

LOS ANGELES (3) -- Joe Beimel, lhp; Scott Proctor, rhp; Jason Repko, lf.

MILWAUKEE (4) -- Dave Bush, rhp; Chris Capuano, lhp; J.J. Hardy, ss; y-Claudio Vargas, rhp.

NEW YORK (6) -- Endy Chavez, lf; Ryan Church, rf; Pedro Feliciano, lhp; Aaron Heilman, rhp; Oliver Perez, lhp; Jorge Sosa, rhp.

PHILADELPHIA (4) -- Eric Bruntlett, ss; Ryan Howard, 1b; Brad Lidge, rhp; Ryan Madson, rhp.

PITTSBURGH (4) -- Jose Bautista, 3b; John Grabow, lhp; Xavier Nady, rf; Freddy Sanchez, 2b.

ST. LOUIS (3) -- Rick Ankiel, rf; Yadier Molina, c; Todd Wellemeyer, rhp.

SAN DIEGO (3) -- Josh Bard, c; Khalil Greene, ss; Wilfredo Ledezma, lhp.

SAN FRANCISCO (3) -- Vinnie Chulk, rhp; Kevin Correia, rhp; Brad Hennessey, rhp.

WASHINGTON (3) -- Felipe Lopez, 2b; Jon Rauch, rhp; Tim Redding, rhp.

星期三, 1月 16, 2008


事實上,這篇文章四個月前就動筆了,但一直都沒寫完,由於Jet TV準備重播,因此決定不能再拖了,趕快把它寫完,才能藉此將這個節目推薦給大家。


好消息是,雖然沒有幾場比賽可以看,但Jet TV日本台八月底播出「林威助的故事」(英文節目名稱 The Legend of a Baseball Player),讓大家能透過畫面直接看到林威助從高中到現在於阪神虎發光發熱的一些心路歷程。











5月23日左投和田毅 (同年選秀會逆指名進軟銀)





Jet TV 1/19 16:30
Jet TV 1/20 18:30


星期二, 1月 15, 2008

薪資仲裁 王建民435萬起跳?

離仲裁金額交換的日子越來越接近,在眾人關心王建民本季薪水的同時,目前看起來簽複數年合約的機會越來越低,雖然日前有媒體報導經紀公司CSMG可能開價四百萬美金,但隨即遭到否認,此時有個問題浮現,假如真的得走上薪資仲裁(salary arbitration),王建民得開價多少才合理?


王建民之所以能夠薪資仲裁,別忘記1990年工會爭取到的超級二年級生(super two)制度,這是指滿兩年卻不到三年的球員,前一季登錄至少86天,且總登錄天數在滿兩年未滿三年的球員裡排名前百分之十七,而super two實施十多年來,界線大約在兩年128到153天,而登錄年資達兩年159天的建仔,因此具備資格申請薪資仲裁。

根據大聯盟重要日程(MLB Important Dates),1月5到15日是申請薪資仲裁的時間(Salary arbitration filing period),到1月18日中午十二點前,洋基將向大聯盟勞資關係部(MLB Labor Relations Department)提出金額,再於下午由經紀公司透過球員工會提供球員要求的價碼,和資方交換薪資仲裁金額(Exchange of salary arbitration figures)。

若持續協商的雙方始終無法達成共識,兩造將於2月1至20日之間找一天安排薪資仲裁聽證會(Salary arbitration hearings),由勞資雙方同意的三位仲裁員,從洋基開出的條件或是經紀公司開出的價碼裡二選一,表決出王建民2008年的薪水。




而在薪資比較部分,集體勞資協議也提到,球員將與他年資相仿的選手比較,像王建民只能和滿三年或super two的球員相比,並不能和年資滿四年甚至FA的球員相提並論,而勞方則可於仲裁委員會前提出選手的「特殊貢獻」來支持自己所開出的價碼。



在這當中,很明顯地Ben Sheets(2004)、Aaron Harang(2006)和Jeremy Bonderman(2006)當時所展現出來的成績遠遜於王建民,而三人的年薪大約在240萬左右,而John Lackey(2006)、Brett Myers(2006)與Chris Capuano(2007)則因為出賽數較多或整體表現較佳,比Sheets等人稍微高一等級,但還是略輸給阿民,薪水則可以上調至325~376萬。

至於Dontrelle Willis(2006)、Carlos Zambrano(2005)和Roy Oswalt(2004)三大強投,其中Willis和Oswalt為super two,成績也高人一等,薪資從2004年Oswalt的325萬直線上漲2006年Willis的435萬,王建民雖然沒辦法完全和這三人比擬,但別忘記阿民是在美國聯盟,困難度本來就比國聯還高,扣掉指定打擊的影響幾乎就能扯平。






星期四, 1月 03, 2008

MLB Important Dates & Important Transaction Dates


MLB Important Dates

January 5-15, 2008
Salary arbitration filing period
January 8, 2008
Hall of Fame BBWAA voting announced
January 18, 2008
Exchange of salary arbitration figures
February 1-20, 2008
Salary arbitration hearings
February 14, 2008
First date injured players, pitchers and catchers may report to Spring Training
February 19, 2008
First date all players may report to Spring Training
February 26, 2008
Mandatory Spring Training reporting date for all players
March 2, 2008
First date to renew contracts of unsigned players
March 11, 2008
Last date to renew contracts
March 12, 2008
Last day to place a player on unconditional release waivers and pay 30 days termination pay instead of 45 days
March 15, 2008
Last date to trade player who has exercised his right to demand a trade before he is declared an unrestricted free agent (if that player has not exercised his right to retract that demand on or before today). Note: The right to demand a trade only applies to players who signed multiyear contracts before Oct. 23, 2006.
March 22-23, 2008
The Red Sox and the A's play doubleheaders against Nippon Professional Baseball Clubs in Japan.
March 25, 2008
Opening Day: Red Sox vs. A's at Tokyo Dome in Tokyo, Japan
March 26, 2008
Last day to request unconditional release waivers on a player without having to pay his full 2008 salary
March 29, 2008
Civil Rights Game: White Sox vs. Mets at AutoZone Park in Memphis, Tenn.
March 30, 2008
Opening Night: Braves vs. Nationals at Nationals Park, Washington, D.C.
March 31, 2008
Opening Day
April 15, 2008
Jackie Robinson Day
May 11, 2008
Mother's Day: Breast Cancer Awareness
May 15, 2008
Earliest date clubs may re-sign players they unconditionally released between Aug. 31, 2007 and March 30, 2008.
June 5-6, 2008
First-Year Player Draft
July 11-15, 2008
All-Star Week, New York
July 15, 2008
All-Star Game at Yankee Stadium (New York)
July 27, 2008
Hall of Fame inductions, Cooperstown, N.Y.
July 31, 2008
Non-waiver trade deadline (4 p.m. ET)
Aug. 31, 2008
• Any player unconditionally released between this date and Opening Day of next season may not be re-signed to a Major League contract by the releasing team until May 15 of the following season.
• Postseason eligibility lists established at midnight ET
Sept. 1, 2008
Active player limit expands from 25 to 40 players
Sept. 3, 2008
Roberto Clemente Day
Sept. 28, 2008
Final day of the 2008 regular season
Nov. 20, 2007
Day to file reserve lists for all Minor League levels and Major Leagues
Dec. 1, 2008
Last date for former club to offer salary arbitration to ranked free agents in order to be eligible for compensation.
Dec. 7, 2008
Last date for player who declared free agency to accept an arbitration offer from former club.
Dec. 8-11, 2008
Winter Meetings, Las Vegas
Dec. 11, 2008
Rule 5 Draft
Dec. 12, 2008
Last date to tender contracts for 2009

Important Transaction Dates
MLR = Major League Rule
CBA = Collective bargaining agreement between MLB and the players union.
December 12, 2007
Last day for teams to offer 2008 contracts to unsigned players, as required by Paragraph 10 (a) of the Uniform Player Contract.
January 5-15, 2008
Salary arbitration filing. CBA, Article VI (F) (5).
January 18, 2008
Exchange of salary arbitration figures between MLB Labor Relations Committee and MLB Players Association.
February 1-20, 2008
Salary arbitration hearings. CBA, Article VI (F) (5).
February 14, 2008
Voluntary reporting date for pitchers, catchers & injured players.
CBA, Article XIV (A).
February 15, 2008
End of waiver period (November 11 – February 15). Waivers secured on or after November 11, 2007, expire at 5 p.m. EST.
February 16, 2008
Beginning of new waiver period (February 16 – April 28). Outright waivers secured on or after February 16 remain in effect for 7 days or until 5 p.m. EST, April 28, 2008 (the 30th day of the season), whichever is earlier. Optional waivers secured on or after February 16 remain in effect until 5 p.m. EST April 28, 2008.
Exception: special waivers. MLR 10 (f).
February 19, 2008
Voluntary reporting date for other players.
February 26, 2008
Mandatory reporting date. CBA, Article XIV (A).
March 2-11, 2008
Clubs may renew contracts of unsigned players. Paragraph 10 (a) of Uniform Player Contract.
March 12, 2008
Last day (by 2 p.m. EST) to place a player on unconditional release waivers and pay only 30 days’ termination pay. CBA, Article IX (B). (For split contracts, the Major League rate of termination pay is owed if Unconditional Release waivers are requested after 2 p.m. EST. However, the requirement for split contract termination pay does not apply for players who may not be assigned to the minor leagues without their consent and for players selected in the preceding Rule 5 draft.)
March 15, 2008
Last day to trade a player who has exercised his right to demand a trade before he is declared an unrestricted free agent. (A player has the right to demand a trade if he signed a multi-year contract before October 23, 2006, then was subsequently traded.)
March 25-26, 2008
Japan Opening Series, Boston vs. Oakland, Tokyo.
March 26, 2008
Last day (by 2 p.m. EST) to request unconditional release waivers on a player without having to pay his full 2007 salary. (Only 45 days’ termination pay is due.) CBA, Article IX (B).
March 30, 2008
Official opening of 2008 season. Opening Night (Atlanta at Washington).
All clubs must reduce their active rosters to 25 players before March 30, 2008.
March 31, 2008
Opening Day.
April 28, 2008
End of waiver period (February 16 – April 28). Waivers secured on or after February 16, 2008, expire at 5 p.m. EST.
April 29, 2008
Beginning of new waiver period (April 29 – July 31). Waivers secured on or after April 29 (the 31st day of the season) remain in effect through 5 p.m. EST July 31. MLR 10 (c)(4). After April 29, outright assignments to the minor leagues may be made only with outright waivers in effect.
May 15, 2008
Earliest date a club may re-sign a player it unconditionally released between midnight Aug. 31, 2007 and March 30, 2008. MLR 8 (i) (2).
May 29, 2008
Start of closed period, First Year Player Draft.
June 5-6, 2008
First Year Player Draft. MLR 4.
June 16, 2008
First day a club may trade a player who was signed after the expiration of the 15-day free agency election period. A Club may assign the contract prior to this date for other player contracts and/or a cash consideration of no more than $50,000 if the player gives his written consent. CBA, Article XX (B) (6).
July 11-15, 2008
All Star week, Yankee Stadium, New York.
July 31, 2008
Deadline (4 p.m. EST) for trading players without waivers in effect. MLR 10 (b)(1).
End of waiver period (April 29 – July 31). Waivers secured on or after April 29, 2008, expire at 5 p.m. EST. Major League Waivers in effect between 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. EST may only be used for optional assignments.
August 1, 2008
Beginning of new waiver period (August 1 – September 28). Trade waivers secured on or after August 1, 2008, remain in effect until 5 p.m. EST, September 28, 2008 (the last day of the 2008 season). Outright waivers secured on or after August 1, 2008, remain in effect until midnight EST, August 31, 2008. MLR 10(c)(4)(iv).
Players may be traded only after Major League waivers have been secured in the current waiver period. MLR 10 (b) (1).
August 15, 2008
Last date (midnight EST) to sign players selected in June Rule 4 Draft, except for college seniors, who may sign at any time.
Last date to bring player up for "full trial" to avoid draft-excluded status.
MLR 6 (e).
August 31, 2008
Post-season eligibility lists are established at midnight. MLR 40. To be eligible, a player must be a bona fide member of a qualifying team on Aug. 31 and must remain a bona fide member until the end of the applicable post-season series.
Any player unconditionally released between midnight August 31, 2008, and Opening Day of the 2009 season may not be re-signed to a Major League contract by the releasing club until May 15, 2009. MLR 8 (i) (2).
September 1, 2008
Active Major League rosters expand from 25 to 40 players.
September 28, 2008
Close of the 2008 regular season.
September 29, 2008
All players on optional assignment must be recalled. MLR 11 (a).
First day players may be traded without waivers in effect.
October, 2008 (TBA)
Times and dates TBA.
Close of 2008 World Series
The day after the end of the World Series marks the beginning of the 15-day period during which eligible players may elect free agency or demand a trade. Former club retains exclusive negotiating rights until 15-day filing period expires. A player who has filed for free agency may engage in general discussions with other clubs but may not discuss contract details or sign with them until the filing period ends. CBA, Article XX (B).
4th day after 2008 World Series
Last date to request waivers on draft-excluded players until 25 days prior to the opening of the 2009 season. MLR 10 (e) (6).
16th day after 2008 World Series
First day Major League free agents may negotiate and sign with a club other than their former club. Article XX (B)(2)(c).
November 10, 2008
End of waiver period (August 1 - November 10). Waivers secured on or after August 1, 2008, expire at 5 p.m. EST. MLR 10 (c)(4).
November 11, 2008
Beginning of new waiver period (November 11, 2008 - February 15, 2008). Waivers secured on or after Nov. 11, 2008, remain in effect until February 15, 2009.
Exception: special waivers.
November 20, 2008
Deadline day for clubs to file reserve lists for Major League club and all Minor League levels.
Last date to make an off-season outright assignment of an injured player to the Minor Leagues if the player does not meet the requirements listed in Article XIX (C) (b) of the CBA.
December 1, 2008
Last date (midnight EST) for former club to offer salary arbitration to ranked XX(B) free agents in order to be eligible for compensation if those free agents sign elsewhere.
December 7, 2008
Last date (midnight EST) for player who declared XX(B) free agency to accept offer of arbitration from his former club.
December 8, 2008
Deadline (5 p.m. EST) to outright a player off the 40-man roster prior to the Rule 5 Draft.
December 8-11, 2008
Winter Meetings, Las Vegas.
December 11, 2008
Rule 5 Draft.
December 12, 2008
Last date (midnight EST) to tender 2009 contracts to unsigned players.
