星期四, 1月 17, 2008

2008 Salary Arbitration List


The 110 players who filed for salary arbitration Tuesday (x-free agent who accepted arbitration; y-agreed to terms after filing). Players and teams will exchange proposed salaries on 1/18:


BALTIMORE (2) -- Erik Bedard, lhp; Daniel Cabrera, rhp.

BOSTON (3) -- Javier Lopez, lhp; Kyle Snyder, rhp; Kevin Youkilis, 1b.

CHICAGO (1) -- Joe Crede, 3b.

CLEVELAND (2) -- Rafael Betancourt, rhp; Casey Blake, 3b.

DETROIT (4) -- Miguel Cabrera, 3b; y-Nate Robertson, lhp; Bobby Seay, lhp; Marcus Thames, lf.

KANSAS CITY (7) -- John Buck, c; Jorge De La Rosa, lhp; Esteban German, 2b; Ross Gload, 1b; Jimmy Gobble, lhp; Zack Greinke, rhp; Mark Teahen, rf.

LOS ANGELES (4) -- Maicer Izturis, 3b; Casey Kotchman, 1b; Juan Rivera, rf; Francisco Rodriguez, rhp.

MINNESOTA (5) -- Michael Cuddyer, rf; Matthew Guerrier, rhp; Jason Kubel, lf; Justin Morneau, 1b; Juan Rincon, rhp.

NEW YORK (4) -- Wilson Betemit, 3b; Brian Bruney, rhp; Robinson Cano, 2b; Chien-Ming Wang, rhp.

OAKLAND (3) -- Joe Blanton, rhp; Chad Gaudin, rhp; Huston Street, rhp.

SEATTLE (2) -- Horacio Ramirez, lhp; y-George Sherrill, lhp.

TAMPA BAY (3) -- Jonny Gomes, dh; Scott Kazmir, lhp; Carlos Pena, 1b.

TEXAS (2) -- y-Marlon Byrd, of; Gerald Laird, c.

TORONTO (6) -- Gustavo Chacin, lhp; Scott Downs, lhp; Jason Frasor, rhp; Alexis Rios, rf; Marco Scutaro, 2b; Brian Tallet, lhp.


ARIZONA (6) -- Chris Burke, 2b; Juan Cruz, rhp; Orlando Hudson, 2b; Brandon Lyon, rhp; Chad Qualls, rhp; Chris Snyder, c.

ATLANTA (6) -- Matt Diaz, lf; Mike Gonzalez, lhp; Omar Infante, 2b; Rafael Soriano, rhp; Mark Teixeira, 1b; Tyler Yates, rhp.

CHICAGO (1) -- Michael Wuertz, rhp.

CINCINNATI (2) -- Matt Belisle, rhp; Brandon Phillips, 2b.

COLORADO (5) -- Garrett Atkins, 3b; Brian Fuentes, lhp; Brad Hawpe, rf; Matt Holliday, lf; Willy Taveras, cf.

FLORIDA (4) -- Alfredo Amezaga, cf; Kevin Gregg, rhp; Sergio Mitre, rhp; Matt Treanor, c.

HOUSTON (5) -- Dave Borkowski, rhp; Geoff Geary, rhp; x-Mark Loretta, inf; Jose Valverde, rhp; Ty Wigginton, 3b.

LOS ANGELES (3) -- Joe Beimel, lhp; Scott Proctor, rhp; Jason Repko, lf.

MILWAUKEE (4) -- Dave Bush, rhp; Chris Capuano, lhp; J.J. Hardy, ss; y-Claudio Vargas, rhp.

NEW YORK (6) -- Endy Chavez, lf; Ryan Church, rf; Pedro Feliciano, lhp; Aaron Heilman, rhp; Oliver Perez, lhp; Jorge Sosa, rhp.

PHILADELPHIA (4) -- Eric Bruntlett, ss; Ryan Howard, 1b; Brad Lidge, rhp; Ryan Madson, rhp.

PITTSBURGH (4) -- Jose Bautista, 3b; John Grabow, lhp; Xavier Nady, rf; Freddy Sanchez, 2b.

ST. LOUIS (3) -- Rick Ankiel, rf; Yadier Molina, c; Todd Wellemeyer, rhp.

SAN DIEGO (3) -- Josh Bard, c; Khalil Greene, ss; Wilfredo Ledezma, lhp.

SAN FRANCISCO (3) -- Vinnie Chulk, rhp; Kevin Correia, rhp; Brad Hennessey, rhp.

WASHINGTON (3) -- Felipe Lopez, 2b; Jon Rauch, rhp; Tim Redding, rhp.

